Materials Testing Software

  • Product Code: MTS
Materials Testing Software
Materials Testing Software Materials Testing Software Materials Testing Software Materials Testing Software


The KT-FALCON Material Test Software offers all kinds of features that you will require performing the standard tension, compression, bending, stripping, tearing, brushing and simple cycle tests in the fastest and most effective manner possible. The software calculates the functions such as performing simultaneous tests, sample identification, cross - sectional area calculation etc, that need to be calculated by the user. The test method can be determined by the user or may be added by the user. The device is directed by the software. The test report can be exported to excel or can be saved in image formats.  By saving the tests to the desired Group, recalling the test will be easier. 

  • Compatibility with Win 7 and Win 8, Win 10 Operating Systems,
  • Calculations for the average of up to 20 samples and standard deviations,
  • Value reading and chart plotting simultaneous with the test,
  • Ability to back up databases,
  • Sample identification by the users,
  • Compiling test methods by the users,
  • The test result tables can be edited by the users


Thanks to the interface that allows users to perform the tests in the fastest way possible, various options can be found in the menu including creating test conditions, recalling previous tests, general settings etc. In a pre-defined setting, a test can be initiated just by pressing three buttons. 


All previously saved tests are listed in a table and the desired result can be selected by filtering the indicated results. You can conduct your search either by the date or by a keyword

Back Up

It is very important to store the tests until a point, where the user conducted the test correctly. That is why you can manually or automatically back your achieve up with the backup feature of the software and in case of a malfunction, you can resume your tests from the moment that you last backed your data up.

Test List

Whatever your product range is, by creating groups, which contain every condition for each sample, the software allows you to conduct different tests. In this way, it will only take the operator to select the right group, to attach the sample to the device and to initiate the test. New groups can be created and any desired group can be deleted in a password-protected manner. 

New Test

In the test screen, 20 consecutive samples tests can be performed and the averages and other results can be obtained. Any given test result can be deleted. Previously conducted tests can be opened and by conducting the test over the previous one, the differences between the samples can be observed. Different logs in this regard can be arranged. Color-coding the samples will ease the process up. With the operator specification, the test result table can show any result and the editing can be done in the desired language. 


As the result of the test, the report can be printed directed or by opening the report editing tool, options such as images, descriptions or list can be added to the report. Title of the report and the company information such as company logo is also displayed in the report. The report can be printed by a printer or can be exported as a PDF file. All images or texts can be moved to any place of the report.