Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer

  • Product Code: CN500
Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer
Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer Concrete Test Hammer - Mechanic Type, Schmidt, Type N, Portable Mechanical Concrete Rebound Hammer Tester, Concrete Compressive Strength Tester, NDT Resiliometer Schmidt Hammer

Standard: EN 12504-2, BS 1881:202, ASTM C805 


CN500 Concrete rebound hammer is a classic measuring method .non-destructive test of the compressive strength of concrete construction.

A concrete test hammer is applied to test the compressive strength of building concrete components, bridges, and so on



  • The center rod is made from a high-accuracy and durable resistance materials
  • The shell is made from high Aluminum or high polymer material in order to perfectly protect the instrument from damage and extend its useful life.
  • The pointer slider is an outside structure, its friction can be balanced well and easy to be adjusted so that we can make sure that the instrument is accurate.


Measuring Range 10~60Mpa
Impact energy 2.207±0.1J(0.225Kg.m)
Length of pointer 20.0± 0.2(mm)
Friction force of pointer 0.65± 0.15(N)
Spherical radius of bounce rod end 25± 1.0(mm)
Stiffness of bounce tension spring 785,0± 40.0(N/m)
Impact length of bounce hammer 75± 0.3
Fixed value of steel anvil 80± 2
Working length of bounce tension spring 61.5.0± 0.3(mm)


Product Categories AGGREGATES (176) ROCK MECHANICS (33) ASPHALT/BITUMINOUS MIXTURE (110) BITUMEN (64) CONCRETE (160)    - Compression Testing Machines (5)    - Flexure Testing Machines (5)    - Compression & Flexion machines (2)    - Accessories for compression and flexural testing machines (11)    - Modulus of Elasticity (Young's) and Poisson's Ratio (4)    - Test Moulds - Plastic (12)    - Test Moulds - Steel (9)    - Compaction - Vibration Tables, Concrete Vibrators (6)    - Curing tanks (6)    - Sample Capping (5)    - Workability and consistency of fresh concrete (12)    - Density of fresh concrete (2)    - SCC testing apparatus (self consolidating concrete) (8)    - Penetrometers (3)    - Air entrainment meters (5)    - Moisture Determination (2)    - Specimen cutting machine (6)    - Core drilling machines (5)    - Specimen grinding machine (3)    - Mixers (3)    - Depth of penetration of water under pressure (3)    - Specific gravity frame and baskets (3)    - Non-Destructive Tests - Quality and Homogeneity evaluation (5)    - Non-Destructive Tests - Durability test apparatus (14)    - Non-Destructive Tests - Structural inspection and monitoring (9)    - Non-Destructive Tests - Strength evaluation apparatus (14) CEMENT - MORTAR (97) CERAMIC (32) SOIL (139) SOIL MECHANICS (50) METALS (32) PLASTICS (32) RUBBER (18) TEXTILE - FABRIC - YARN (27) NON-WOVEN FABRIC (2) CARBOARD - PAPER & PACKING (38) FILM (6) INSULATOR (24) FURNITURE (6) MINING (52) FOOD (30) TABLET PRESS (2) HEALTHCARE (313) GENERAL EQUIPMENT (627)