Alkaline Silica Reaction (ASR) Water Bath

  • Product Code: AG101
Alkaline Silica Reaction (ASR) Water Bath

Standard: NF P18-454, RILEM Test Method TC 191-ARP (Ed.): AAR-4.1, ASTM C1567 -8, ASTM C1293 - 08b, CANADA CSA-A23.2-25A

Testform developed the ASR tester. In this test chamber, the concrete specimen is stored at a temperature between 20°C and 70°C at nearly 100% rel. Humidity according to the French standard NF P18-454 (Décembre 2004): Béton - Réactivité dune formula de béton vis-à-vis de alkali-réaction - Essai de performance and the RILEM test method TC 101-ARP AAR-4 -Detection of Potential Alkali-Reactivity- an Accelerated method for testing aggregate combinations using concrete prisms. The temperature deviation herein is below 0.5K


Technical Data 



Storing of ACR test containers at 60°C and nearly 100% rel. Humidity according to RILEM/TC-ARP/01/20 and ASTM C1293 and modifies ASTM C1293 at 60°C

Net. size (lxwxh)

550 x 1000 x 800 mm

Shelf for the test container


Inner cabinet

stainless steel


PT100 1/10 DIN B


2000 kW


App. 66 kg

Mains connection

220 V 50 Hz